U must have heard it on the news this morning

Congratulations! New star is born

Sun 2 his shadow, rose 2 a thorn

There ain't no fury like a woman scorned

Y'all must have dug it, when u did your thang

It's like a song, everybody wanna sing

When the music's over, ur ears ring

With a voice that's saying, 'Queen got no King"

He got a message saying, u tried 2 reach him on the 'phone

He didn't wanna answer cuz he's so afraid

U'd probably tell him just 2 leave u alone

I bet u heard he got another band

woman - النساء
message - رسالة
mending - إصلاح
another - آخر
story - قصة
heart - قلب
judge - القاضي
heard - سمعت
happy - السعيدة
answer - إجابة
ending - إنهاء
glory - مجد
knows - يعرف
shadow - ظل
gloom - كآبة
everybody - الجميع
scorned - مزدري
every - individle
always - دائما
comes - يأتي
sides - الجانبين
tried - حاول
alone - وحده
think - يفكر
afraid - خائف
broken - مكسور
wanna - اريد
congratulations - تهانينا
might - ربما
still - ما يزال
money - مال
thorn - شوكة
morning - صباح
plans - خطط
though - اعتقد
voice - صوت
leave - غادر
probably - المحتمل
thang - ثانغ
reason - السبب
rainy - ماطر
reach - تصل
guilty - مذنب
there - هناك
saying - قول
understand - تفهم
street - شارع

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