Lay down your funky weapon.

Yeah y'all, here we go

Pumpin' the big noise in the 90's.

Pardon me 4 living, but this is my world 2

I can't help that what's cool to us might be strange to u

Pardon me 4 breathing, can we borrow some of your air?

The problem with u and your kind is that u don't know love is there

Lay down your funky weapon, come join us on the floor

Making love and music's the only things worth fighting 4.

We r the new power generation, we want 2 change the world.

The only thing that's in our way is u.

Your old fashioned music, your old ideas,

We're sick and tired of u telling us what 2 do.

Pardon me 4 thinking, but there's something under my hair

I bet u thought the lights were on but noone's living there

U think that if u tell enough lies they will see the truth?

I hope they bury your old ideas the same time they bury u

Lay down your funky weapon, come join us on the floor

Making love and music's the only things worth fighting 4.

world - العالمية
whole - كامل
truth - حقيقة
tired - متعبه
thought - فكر
things - أشياء
thing - شيء
gotta - فلدي
enough - كافية
father - الآب
believe - يصدق
think - يفكر
against - ضد
because - لان
another - آخر
power - قوة
floor - أرضية
happy - السعيدة
strange - غريب
telling - تقول
borrow - اقتراض
there - هناك
chorus - جوقة
change - يتغيرون
repeated - متكرر
block - منع
weapon - سلاح
breathing - تنفس
sister - أخت
fashioned - الطراز
thinking - تفكير
fighting - قتال
child - طفل
music - موسيقى
caring - رعاية
under - تحت
ideas - أفكار
lights - أضواء
mother - أم
worth - يستحق
living - المعيشة
shout - يصيح، يصرخ، صيحة
better - أفضل
making - صناعة
noise - الضوضاء
party - حفل
problem - مشكلة
brother - شقيق
might - ربما
would - سيكون
nobody - لا أحد
rearrange - إعادة ترتيب
funky - جبان
pardon - استميحك عذرا
rules - قواعد
generation - توليد
something - شيئا ما
fight - يقاتل
stand - يفهم

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