Come and get your New York Post

New York Post right here

Come on y'all

Get the bost stubost stubost

Coasta coasta New York Post

Yo New York Post don't brag or boast

Dissin' flavor when he's butter that you put on your toast

Put my address in the paper cause I smacked that girl

She's the mother of my kid's that I took around the world

Disagreements having scuffles when you share upon

You shouldn't try to drain subjects in a duck pond

If you're gonna tell a story about people's worries

Watch what you tell 'em cause they don't bring you glory

It only brings agony, ask James Cagney

He beat up on a guy when he found he was a fagney

Cagney is a favorite he is my boy

He don't jive around he's a real McCoy

Chuck D yeah, you tellin' Flav we got to let 'em know

Here's a letter to the New York Post

The worst piece of paper on the east coast

Matter of fact the whole state's forty cents

in New York City fifty cents elsewhere

It makes no goddamn sense at all

America's oldest continuously published daily piece of bullshit

writers - الكتاب
write - اكتب
worries - المخاوف
world - العالمية
whole - كامل
undress - خلع ملابسه
toast - النخب
supposed - مفترض
subjects - المواضيع
story - قصة
source - مصدر
sorry - معذرة
somebody - شخص ما
smacked - تلقى صفعة قوية
worth - يستحق
slipped - انزلق
should - ينبغي
favorite - المفضل
fifty - خمسون
share - شارك
parlor - ردهة
magazines - المجلات
butter - زبدة
drain - تصرف
violence - عنف
daily - اليومي
beauty - جمال
employ - توظيف
headlines - عناوين
matter - شيء
cover - غطاء، يغطي
coast - ساحل
chuck - سنفرق
enemy - العدو
published - نشرت
cents - سنتا
cause - سبب
another - آخر
continuously - بشكل متواصل
europe - أوروبا
anyway - على أي حال
comes - يأتي
around - حول
about - حول
black - أسود
printed - طباعة
correct - صيح
every - individle
records - تسجيل
finesse - براعة
agony - سكرة
until - حتى
continuous - مستمر
alexander - إسكندر
years - سنوات
forty - أربعين
before - قبل
rapper - مغني راب
boast - تباهى
flavor - نكهة
street - شارع
burned - أحرق
goddamn - ملعون
bring - احضر
brings - تجمع
beats - يدق
straight - مباشرة
destroy - هدم
barber - حلاق
piece - قطعة
facts - حقائق
forget - ننسى
found - وجدت
business - اعمال
renown - شهرة
founded - مؤسس
always - دائما
sense - إحساس
fucked - مارس الجنس
funny - مضحك
plate - طبق
elsewhere - في مكان آخر
checked - التحقق
getting - الحصول على
making - صناعة
watch - راقب
mother - أم
paper - ورقة
bullshit - هراء
gonna - سوف
cagney - cagney
hamilton - هاملتون
wrote - كتب
naked - عار
having - وجود
headline - عنوان رئيسي
known - معروف
either - إما
letter - رسالة
looks - تبدو

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