You've got a cardboard house.

Live there all the time.

Keep your memories tied with string

The face that many once-adored,

twenty years gone maybe more.

Somewhere you lost your dream.

Mama watched your every move,

but now you're all alone.

She's been gone for awhile.

Daddy left some time ago,

fading years pass too slow.

He's the only one, could make you smile.

--oh, you're still crying--

Big city bound.

years - سنوات
whiskey - ويسكي
watched - شاهدت
house - منزل
again - مرة أخرى
fading - بهوت
change - يتغيرون
every - individle
pardon - استميحك عذرا
wonder - يتساءل
daddy - بابا
choose - أختر
somewhere - مكان ما
streets - الشوارع
crowd - يحشد
seems - يبدو
corner - ركن
dream - حلم
awhile - فترة
could - استطاع
still - ما يزال
cardboard - ورق مقوى
people - اشخاص
brown - بنى
never - أبدا
alone - وحده
watch - راقب
gonna - سوف
adored - المعشوق
beauty - جمال
bound - مقيد
living - المعيشة
looking - يبحث
maybe - يمكن
memories - ذكريات
happiness - سعادة
prove - إثبات
della - ديلا
lights - أضواء
right - حق
smile - ابتسامة
sometimes - بعض الأحيان
spare - إضافي
string - خيط
street - شارع
crying - بكاء
summer - الصيف
there - هناك
tried - حاول
where - أين
twenty - عشرون

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