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كلمات اغنية McKenzie Brothers - Rednex

McKenzie Brothers - Rednex

كلمات للدراسة

The McKenzie brothers just reached their limits,

It's now mid-august and 2 months have passed

Since the new marshall Mike Monroe came to town,

He already put Joe and Jeremiah 6 feet under,

They were drunk as the skins

They were on their way back from the saloon,

They passed Steve Harrows range to rustle some cattle,

The marshal and his deputy showed up and shot him in the neck,

The most bloody fireworks Doghead city had ever seen,

Jim the oldest brother and head of the clan since Father Judas

Got his head blown of fin agun fight saddled up his horse and went to town,

Just to set things straight with the marshall,

On his way to town he rode past his uncle Jaque's

To fill him in about Joe and Jeremiah,

"Looks like the marshall wants a war

And hes a gonna get one", Jauqe said,

"I'll send a message out for brother James your uncle, remember him?

You met him at the wedding when you stole

Your cousin Julia from the groom."

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