R.I.P. to the girl you used to see

Her days are over; baby she’s over

I've decided to give you all of me

Baby come closer, baby come closer

Uh, sexy senorita, I feel your aura

Jump out that fucking motor, get in my flying saucer

I'll make you call me daddy, even though you ain't my daughter

Baby I ain't talkin' books when I said that I can take you across the border

I'm young and free, I'm London G

I'm tongue in cheek, so baby gimme some tongue and cheek

Slow and steady for me, go on like a chelsea for me

And say the word as soon as you're ready for me

I’m ready for ya

Hit ‘em all, switch it up

Put 'em on, zip it up

Let my perfume, soak in to your sweater

You say you’ll be here soon, sooner the better

waitin - تنتظرين
motor - محرك
handle - مقبض
flying - طيران
flatter - أكثر تسطحا
around - حول
nothin - نتين
sweater - سترة
mental - عقلي
control - مراقبة
chelsea - تشيلسي
though - اعتقد
wonder - يتساءل
daddy - بابا
better - أفضل
understand - تفهم
daughter - ابنة
being - يجرى
across - عبر
cause - سبب
young - شاب
cameras - كاميرات
cheek - الخد
strut - من المقطع العرضي
books - الكتب
gimme - اعطني
tonight - هذه الليلة
border - الحدود
saucer - صحن الفنجان
london - لندن
follow - إتبع
night - ليل
option - اختيار
perfume - عطر
fucking - سخيف
closer - أقرب
pictures - الصور
please - رجاء
sayin - ساين
ready - جاهز
senorita - سينوريتا
sooner - عاجلا
decided - قرر
thought - فكر
steady - ثابت
switch - مفتاح كهربائي
thinking - تفكير
tongue - لسان
tryna - ترينا

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