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كلمات اغنية Handsome Man - Robbie Williams

Handsome Man - Robbie Williams

كلمات للدراسة

Hello. Did you miss me?

I know I'm hard to resist

Y'all can come and help me pick the sweetcorn out of this.

It's hard to be humble

When you're so fucking big

Did you ever meet a sexier male chauvinist pig

I'm gonna milk it till I turn it into cheese

Tell your babes in arms and OAP's

Come take a piece of me

If you drop me I'll fall to pieces on you

If you don't see me I don't exist

It's nice to meet you

Now let me go and wash my hands

Cause you just met the world's most handsome man

The world's most handsome man

Y'all know who I am

I'm still the boy next door

That's if you're Lord Litchfield and Roger Moore

If I've gone up in the world

Or is the world gone down on me

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