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كلمات اغنية The 90's - Robbie Williams

The 90's - Robbie Williams

كلمات للدراسة

Picking up the story from where I left off, it's 1990 now so school can fuck off

I got no GCSEs, nothing higher than a D,

I couldn't tell me mum because she'd batter me

Me and ?? sat on the bowling green, life is a shitter

We had five quid between us, bought us six cans of bitter

I took me ten Benson home and I smoked through the sorrow

If I could just avoid me mum maybe I'll tell her tomorrow

I stumbled through the door and said "Mum, it's like this."

She said "That man's been on the phone and you've made the list!

You're in that boy band, son, come and giz a kiss!"

Phoned up Martin and Rich and carried on getting pissed

"Boys I don't believe it, I'm gonna be famous!

Pick you up in a Porsche and buy you lots of trainers."

I met the other guys, one seemed like a cock

I think it's gonna be like New Kids on The Block

I cant be bothered, cuz I'm lazy

I hate those that hate me

I cant forgive and it's crazy, baby

Now I'm a video star

Do you know who you are, baby?

I adopted four brothers, some I liked more than others

One was like a brother from another mother

But the lead singer made it hard to like him

And I still loved him, to spite him

The first three months, you know, I nearly quit

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