I was Just a little boy without care

I remember looking up and seeing you there

I never wandered too far from your sight

Cause all the love I needed was there in your eyes

We grew up in a war zone city with a cast iron wind

Broken lives, darken streets, and twisted steel

But around our house the sky seems so blue

And on a wing and prayer we just muddled through

And we always kept the laughter and the smile upon our face

In that good-old-fashion British way with pride and faultless grace

I shall never forget those childhood days for as long as I shall live

And I'll always find my way back , always find my Way Back Home.

Tell me why in wars that made our family strong

as our defiant little Island wheathered the storm

There's never seemed enough on my plate

warmth - دفء
wandered - تجولت
twisted - ملفوف
those - أولئك
their - هم
surrender - استسلام
streets - الشوارع
stories - قصص
storm - عاصفة
steel - صلب
seems - يبدو
seemed - بدت
thank - شكر
seeing - رؤية
there - هناك
school - مدرسة
remember - تذكر
record - سجل
recall - اعد الاتصال
plate - طبق
enough - كافية
grounds - أساس
ending - إنهاء
every - individle
defiant - غير هياب
darken - ظلم
smile - ابتسامة
beaches - الشواطئ
fashion - موضه
learnt - تعلم
precious - ثمين
always - دائما
faultless - لا عيب فيه
grace - نعمة او وقت سماح
around - حول
without - بدون
against - ضد
strong - قوي
sight - مشهد
sacrifice - تضحية
forget - ننسى
shall - سوف
lives - الأرواح
fields - مجالات
speech - خطاب
cause - سبب
complain - تذمر
burning - احتراق
should - ينبغي
operation - عملية
british - بريطاني
comfort - راحة
freedom - حرية
hills - التلال
broken - مكسور
never - أبدا
house - منزل
island - جزيرة
looking - يبحث
landing - هبوط
laughter - ضحك
lessons - الدروس
nation - الأمة
through - عبر
family - أسرة
pride - فخر
grateful - الامتنان
little - قليل
roses - ورود
fight - يقاتل
muddled - مشوش
skies - السماوات
childhood - مرحلة الطفولة
needed - بحاجة
prayer - صلاة
peace - سلام

اضغط فوق أي كلمة لمشاهدة ترجمتها

اضغط فوق هذه الأيقونة لترجمة الجملة بأكملها