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كلمات اغنية Domino - Saara Aalto

Domino - Saara Aalto

كلمات للدراسة

Two worlds collide

There are two hearts beating side by side

Feel the spark, we ignite

Turn my mind into an open fire

'Cause when I'm, when I'm, when I’m with you

When I'm, when I'm, when I’m with you

When I'm, when I'm, when I’m with you

I'm hit and I'm falling, oh

I'm gonna fall like a domino

Like I'm hit by a wrecking ball

I'm gonna fall like a domino, domino

And every single part of my knocked out heart

Keeps on telling me there's no way I'm letting go

I'm hit and I'm falling, oh

I'm gonna fall like a domino, domino

Your skin on my skin

Without words and without gravity

Breathe me out, breathe me in