Stuck inside this room, digging in my heels

The paint is stuck on the walls, but it's starting to peel

But maybe it's your vanity, maybe it's your skin

Well, I'm thinking, I'm thinking, your cover's wearing thin

Cause everybody wants a piece of you, you don't give much, but when you

do, you're nobody's friend, you're nobody's fool, tell me It must be tough to be that cool...

Another notch on your belt another new pair of shoes

Another sidewalk show, where did you get that suit?

wearing - يلبس
walls - الجدران
waiting - انتظار
vanity - الغرور
tough - قاسي
thinking - تفكير
there - هناك
stuck - عالق
forgiving - غفور
should - ينبغي
starting - ابتداء
empty - فارغة
anywhere - في أى مكان
everybody - الجميع
angry - غاضب
another - آخر
crying - بكاء
notch - حز
cause - سبب
paint - رسم
gonna - سوف
inside - في داخل
where - أين
digging - حفر
heels - كعوب
wants - يريد
friend - صديق
maybe - يمكن
piece - قطعة
think - يفكر
testing - اختبارات
alone - وحده
shoes - أحذية
sidewalk - رصيف

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