Give me, give me, give me the truth now

I promise I can handle it if you can

Cause you've been running from yourself for way too long

So give me any reason not to cut you out

You're far too gone, yeah

Watch you pretending, you know it all,

Shift any blame outside

Vending the victim when it cells

How do you even sleep at night?

As I drive and drive

In that bleak December, you're just too cold

But I need the answer, before you'd fold

You would hold your cards inside your chest

I think I drove too far for that bleak December

And how full of shit you are, how full of shit you are

yourself - نفسك
fooling - ممازحة
cause - سبب
cards - بطاقات
dying - وفاة
drove - قاد
drive - قيادة
vending - بيع
would - سيكون
chest - صدر
night - ليل
cells - خلايا
anyone - أي واحد
handle - مقبض
chance - فرصة
promise - وعد
before - قبل
think - يفكر
alone - وحده
bleak - كئيب
freeze - تجمد
running - جري
skull - جمجمة
watch - راقب
december - ديسمبر
inside - في داخل
maybe - يمكن
outside - في الخارج
answer - إجابة
fucking - سخيف
personalities - شخصيات
alive - على قيد الحياة
reason - السبب
weave - نسج
fifty - خمسون
pretending - التظاهر
really - هل حقا
wanna - اريد
shift - تحول
sleep - ينام
spotlight - ضوء كشاف
steal - سرقة
truth - حقيقة
trying - محاولة
blame - لوم
victim - ضحية
better - أفضل
wonder - يتساءل

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