Them say money is the root of all evil

But a no money

Some people a kill people little or nothing

Some say them a gangster but a studio gangster

Well now a gun shot lick and a marrow it fly

Little youth with the 45 and him say do or die

Now him muma she cry water run from her eye

And she remember when him was little bit and oh so shy


Forgive them father cause they know not what they have done

To save them from destruction gave his only begotten son

Like them no understand say revelation a come so watch the heathen them a run

Verse 1:

Too much fuss and fight(BOO)

And that is not right

You no can't blow breath in a man but still that you want take life

Innocent youth die bury a next guy

And him muma wool her belly and ask God why?

Well no ask me no question I tell you no lie

wicked - شرير
whole - كامل
water - ماء
verse - بيت شعر
tumble - تعثر
tounge - اللسان
little - قليل
mislead - تضليل
people - اشخاص
shall - سوف
large - كبير
watch - راقب
destruction - تدمير
chorus - جوقة
sunday - الأحد
father - الآب
gangster - رجل عصابة
bread - خبز
dollars - دولار
start - بداية
world - العالمية
drink - يشرب
having - وجود
remember - تذكر
begotten - المولود
kingdom - مملكة
forgive - غفر
talking - الحديث
about - حول
studio - ستوديو
cause - سبب
another - آخر
heathen - وثني
realize - أدرك
foolishness - غباء
belly - بطن
thing - شيء
nothing - لا شيئ
marrow - نخاع
money - مال
understand - تفهم
fight - يقاتل
breath - نفس
peckish - جائع
mouth - فم
perish - هلك
shoot - أطلق النار
question - سؤال
reality - واقع
still - ما يزال
quick - بسرعة
revelation - وحي
youth - شباب
innocent - البريء
right - حق
serious - جدي
shaggy - أشعث

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