There is nothing to see here people keep moving on

Slowly their necks turn and then they're gone

No one cares when the show is done

Standing in line and its cold and you want to go

Remember a joke so you turn around

There is no one to listen so you laugh by yourself

I heard it's cold out, but her popsicle melts

She's in the bathroom, she pleasures herself

Says I'm a bad man, she's locking me out

It's cause of these things, it's cause of these things

Let make a fast plan, watch it burn to the ground

I try to whisper, so no one figures it out

I'm not a bad man, I'm just overwhelmed

It's cause of these things, it's cause of these things

yourself - نفسك
walks - يمشي
those - أولئك
there - هناك
their - هم
themselves - أنفسهم
street - شارع
slowly - ببطء
remember - تذكر
popsicle - المصاصة
whisper - همسة
pleasures - المتع
people - اشخاص
nothing - لا شيئ
gripping - الامساك
herself - نفسها
standing - مكانة
crowd - يحشد
choice - خيار
around - حول
watch - راقب
things - أشياء
something - شيئا ما
ground - أرض
overwhelmed - طغت
cause - سبب
cares - هموم
locking - قفل
bored - ضجر
reward - جائزة او مكافاة
figures - الأرقام
bathroom - حمام
hands - أيادي
heard - سمعت
tightly - بإحكام
mistakes - الأخطاء
laugh - يضحك
listen - استمع
lovers - عشاق
melts - يذوب
moving - متحرك
necks - أعناق
these - هؤلاء
never - أبدا

اضغط فوق أي كلمة لمشاهدة ترجمتها

اضغط فوق هذه الأيقونة لترجمة الجملة بأكملها