I´ve been long, a long way from here

Put on a poncho, played for mosquitos,

And drank til I was thirsty again

We went searching through thrift store jungles

Found Geronimo´s rifle, Marilyn´s shampoo

And Benny Goodman´s corset and pen

Well, o.k. I made this up

I promised you I´d never give up

If it makes you happy

It can´t be that bad

If it makes you happy

Then why the hell are you so sad

You get down, real low down

through - عبر
thrift - تقتير
there - هناك
store - متجر
stoned - رجم
shampoo - شامبو
rifle - بندقية
promised - وعد
poncho - المعطف
searching - البحث
mosquitos - البعوض
marilyn - مارلين
comics - رسوم هزلية
scrape - كشط
bread - خبز
benny - بيني
along - على طول
serve - تخدم
bring - احضر
found - وجدت
right - حق
coltrane - كولتراين
wrong - خطأ
train - قطار
everything - كل شىء
everywhere - في كل مكان
still - ما يزال
drank - شربوا
again - مرة أخرى
corset - مشد
between - ما بين
derail - تعطيل
toast - النخب
around - حول
never - أبدا
french - الفرنسية
thirsty - متعطش
goodman - رجل طيب
before - قبل
geronimo - جيرونيمو
round - مستدير - كروي
played - لعب
happy - السعيدة
makes - يصنع
jungles - أدغال
listen - استمع

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