We people who are darker than blue

Are we gonna stand around this town

And let what others say come true

We're just good for nothing they all figure

A boyish grown up shiftless jigger

Now we can't hardly stand for that

Or is that really where it's at

We people who are darker than blue

This ain't no time for segregating

I'm talking `bout brown and yellow too

High yellow gal can't you tell

I'm just the surface of our dark deep well

If your mind could really see

yellow - الأصفر
street - شارع
stand - يفهم
talking - الحديث
sister - أخت
shiftless - كسول
segregating - الانعزال
darker - أغمق
whole - كامل
really - هل حقا
color - اللون
pardon - استميحك عذرا
boyish - صبياني
people - اشخاص
could - استطاع
killing - قتل
brown - بنى
surface - سطح - المظهر الخارجي
story - قصة
brothers - الإخوة
others - الآخرين
around - حول
brother - شقيق
gonna - سوف
nothing - لا شيئ
respect - احترام
better - أفضل
comes - يأتي
figure - الشكل
glory - مجد
great - عظيم
hardly - بالكاد
grown - نابعة
joker - مهرج
where - أين
loving - محب
mother - أم
other - آخر

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اضغط فوق هذه الأيقونة لترجمة الجملة بأكملها