He put so much into her life

she took so much out of his

it was a crucial assignment

No-one ever asked for this.

It was a little confusing

He thought he knew what to do

but now they're walking in silence

little girl, and soldier blue

Well she wrote you a song saying that she approved

but you didn't understand

and when love comes along it's just a Catcher in The Rye

wrote - كتب
walking - المشي
thought - فكر
those - أولئك
soldier - جندي
season - الموسم
comes - يأتي
certain - المؤكد
plans - خطط
assignment - مهمة
message - رسالة
reason - السبب
approved - وافق
bound - مقيد
asked - طلبت
catcher - الماسك
screwed - ثمل
along - على طول
confusing - مربك
walls - الجدران
crucial - مهم
could - استطاع
little - قليل
silence - الصمت
breaking - كسر
fears - المخاوف
pocket - جيب
never - أبدا
understand - تفهم
agreement - اتفاقية
saying - قول

اضغط فوق أي كلمة لمشاهدة ترجمتها

اضغط فوق هذه الأيقونة لترجمة الجملة بأكملها