When you can't get up to the cold morning light

But you don't get to sleep in [still dreaming]

And everybody only wants to fight

You're up against never being right

When the worries of the world hold your feet

And there's little left to believe in

Today is going to be a better one

There's nothing more to take in

wrong - خطأ
worries - المخاوف
world - العالمية
today - اليوم
through - عبر
stealing - سرقة
someone - شخصا ما
sleep - ينام
never - أبدا
daylight - ضوء النهار
crossing - العبور
still - ما يزال
bones - العظام
going - ذاهب
dreaming - الحلم
better - أفضل
everybody - الجميع
morning - صباح
memories - ذكريات
crawling - زحف
wants - يريد
being - يجرى
wires - الأسلاك
battle - معركة
fight - يقاتل
against - ضد
believe - يصدق
light - ضوء
little - قليل
nothing - لا شيئ
reminders - تذكير
right - حق
shaking - اهتزاز

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