You help me survive, you're the reason I'm alive

Speak softly, cyanide

Passed from your mouth into mine

Your breathing sounds like the sickest music Playing backwards in my head

Contagions, so hellatious

You can't find the words so you scream instead

This lifeless ordinary

My righteous unsuspecting

I have a secret- you are a dichotomy

What won't kill me - makes me

What won't love me - hates me

whole - كامل
survive - ينجو
unsuspecting - المطمئنين
supposed - مفترض
speak - تحدث
sickest - أمرض
secret - سر
scream - صرخة
symmetry - تناظر
righteous - صالح
swear - أقسم
reason - السبب
words - كلمات
playing - تلعب
against - ضد
cyanide - السيانيد
could - استطاع
contracted - التعاقد
sounds - اصوات
broken - مكسور
makes - يصنع
breathing - تنفس
dichotomy - تفرع ثنائي
inside - في داخل
alive - على قيد الحياة
backwards - الى الوراء
hates - يكره
heart - قلب
fucking - سخيف
instead - في حين أن
senseless - لا معنى له
poetry - الشعر
passed - مرت
laying - وضع
ordinary - عادي
softly - بهدوء
petrified - تحجرت
lifeless - ميت
mouth - فم
frustrated - محبط
music - موسيقى
naked - عار

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