We cast a long shadow- suckin all the cold beneath

But there’s a reason- A Killer is a Lover with a knife in its teeth

We can settle in the dust and cave

Raise your hands if you want to be saved

In the middle is the bottom of me

A Taipei Person drinking Allah Tea- GO!

We Live/We Die/We Never Wonder Why

It’s Not/Too Late/To Fight The Hands of Fate

Well you can only scream your heart over and over for so long

Before you know it, you’re gonna lose your fucking mind

So don’t love, don’t hate- everybody’s dying baby I feel great

I’m running out of road but I’m still doing 75

Mellow Traumatic- ooh, looking like a Ponzi scheme

You’re so sentimental- all the weight of the worlds you’ve created are weak

I am the Voice of a Rude Generation

worlds - العالم
weight - وزن
voice - صوت
traumatic - جرحي
there - هناك
taipei - تايبيه
suckin - suckin
still - ما يزال
settle - تستقر
sentimental - عاطفي
scream - صرخة
scheme - مخطط
seventy - سبعون
running - جري
finger - اصبع اليد
bastard - نذل
before - قبل
fight - يقاتل
population - تعداد السكان
drinking - الشرب
generation - توليد
divorce - طلاق
force - فرض
disaster - كارثة
created - خلقت
teeth - أسنان
coarseness - خشونة
shadow - ظل
dying - وفاة
great - عظيم
beautiful - جميلة
panic - هلع
beneath - تحت
doing - فعل
course - دورة
bottom - الأسفل
another - آخر
feeds - يغذي
wonder - يتساءل
allah - الله
personality - الشخصية
class - صف دراسي
fucking - سخيف
saved - تم الحفظ
lover - حبيب
gonna - سوف
hands - أيادي
mellow - يانع
middle - وسط
everybody - الجميع
knife - سكين
castration - خصي
raise - ربى
heart - قلب
invasion - غزو
punish - يعاقب
killer - القاتل
looking - يبحث
bleed - ينزف
never - أبدا
person - شخص
major - رائد
ponzi - بونزي
reason - السبب

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