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كلمات اغنية Jesus Came From Outta Space - Supergrass

Jesus Came From Outta Space - Supergrass

كلمات للدراسة

Jesus came from outta space and travelled from beyond the stars,

He came down for peace on Earth and left in a second-hand car,

The old men came to watch their sheep, lit their fire while the records played

Talked all night till they lost the plot, and they fell down the english way

fell down the english way

Love is all, love is tall, love is older than you,

Love'll talk, love'll walk, love'll speak out for you

Jesus came from outta space and travelled from beyond the stars,

He came down for peace on Earth and left in a second-hand car,

In the heavens with the planets in, all the stars seem to look my way (look my way)

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