Walk in the park, and it's getting dark, and I don't wanna be alone,

Miss my Mummy and I miss my Daddy won't you please bring them back home,

Fly down the lane through the wind and the rain till the fires of the evening go,

Miss my Mummy and I miss my Daddy won't you please bring them back home,

Drift in time as the mountains rise from the floor of the valley below,

valley - الوادي
trail - ممر المشاة
through - عبر
thought - فكر
drift - المغزى
shadows - الظلال
distant - بعيد
daylight - ضوء النهار
change - يتغيرون
wanna - اريد
countryside - الجانب القطري
below - أدناه
rivers - الأنهار
alone - وحده
bring - احضر
daddy - بابا
fails - فشل
please - رجاء
lights - أضواء
mountains - الجبال
fires - حرائق
floor - أرضية
getting - الحصول على
mummy - مومياء
stars - النجوم
evening - مساء
seasons - مواسم

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