Wait, wait for the moment to come

Stand up, stand up and take my hand

Believe, believe in mystery

Love, love is simple as 1-2-3

I'm a know-it-all, I'm the smartest man around

That's right, you learn real fast, you're the smartest girl in town

So here come a riddle, here come a clue

If you are really smart, you'll know what to do when I say

Jump back, sit back, get back, relax, it's okay

I've called in sick, I won't go to work today

today - اليوم
sense - إحساس
school - مدرسة
stand - يفهم
simple - بسيط
right - حق
stockbroker - سمسار البورصة
relax - الاسترخاء
common - مشترك
mystery - الغموض
college - كلية
whenever - كلما كان
believe - يصدق
trouble - مشكلة
riddle - لغز
really - هل حقا
aground - جانح
about - حول
around - حول
duties - الواجبات
called - مسمي
where - أين
pilot - طيار
answer - إجابة
people - اشخاص
smart - ذكي
control - مراقبة
moment - لحظة
going - ذاهب
investment - استثمار
books - الكتب
learn - تعلم
captain - قائد المنتخب
neglect - إهمال
smartest - أذكى
rather - بدلا
obvious - واضح

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