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كلمات اغنية I Wish You Would - Taylor Swift

I Wish You Would - Taylor Swift

كلمات للدراسة

It's 2 am, in your car

Windows down, you pass my street

The memories start

You say it's in the past and drive straigh ahead

You're thinking that I hate you now

Cause you still don't know what I never said

I wish you would come back

Wish I never had hung up the phone

Like I did

I wish you knew that

I'll never forget you as long as I live

Wish you were right here, right now

It's all good, I wish you would

It's 2 am, in my room

Headlights pass, the window pane

I think of you

We're a crooked love, in a street line down

Makes you wanna run and hide

But it makes you turn right back around

I wish you would come back

Wish I never had hung up the phone

Like I did

I wish you knew that

I'll never forget you as long as I live

Wish you were right here, right now

It's all good, I wish you would

I wish we could go back

And remember what we were fighting for

I wish you know that I miss you too much

To be mad anymore

Wish you were right here, right now

It's all good, I wish you would


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