Rushing in a small town

I forgot to call you

I'm running low on know how

With this beat I made for two

Cause I remember that I like you

No matter what I found

She said, "It's nice to have your friends round

But we're watching the television with no sound"

It's just you and I tonight

Why don't you figure my heart out?

It's just you and I tonight

Why don't you figure my heart out?

Push your lack of chest out, look at my hair

yourself - نفسك
younger - اصغر سنا
tonight - هذه الليلة
television - التلفاز
sound - صوت
watching - مشاهدة
something - شيئا ما
rushing - التسرع
friends - اصحاب
brown - بنى
mouth - فم
found - وجدت
gotta - فلدي
round - مستدير - كروي
figure - الشكل
small - صغير
fucking - سخيف
instead - في حين أن
created - خلقت
forgot - نسيت
cause - سبب
always - دائما
chest - صدر
health - الصحة
heart - قلب
living - المعيشة
speak - تحدث
matter - شيء
started - بدأت
mental - عقلي
obsession - استحواذ
running - جري
reflection - انعكاس
whole - كامل
rocks - الصخور
having - وجود
remember - تذكر

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اضغط فوق هذه الأيقونة لترجمة الجملة بأكملها