They're getting ugly

They're a horror show

And now we're laughing

Because they'll never know

That they have everything

We give them all of our own

And they tell us they're sick and they're all alone

They make fools of us together but we always think of them

together - سويا
different - مختلف
cross - تعبر
cause - سبب
their - هم
fools - الحمقى
everything - كل شىء
always - دائما
alone - وحده
think - يفكر
because - لان
wasting - تبذير
moment - لحظة
passed - مرت
behind - خلف
laughing - يضحك
getting - الحصول على
before - قبل
forgiveness - مغفرة
talking - الحديث
hurts - يؤلم
horror - رعب
never - أبدا
rewind - الترجيع

اضغط فوق أي كلمة لمشاهدة ترجمتها

اضغط فوق هذه الأيقونة لترجمة الجملة بأكملها