Look around, the writing's on the wall

Don't you think we're all feeling crazed

In a world, where nothing's as it seems

Paved with broken dreams, I found truth

My God, I should know you're right

I should know it's right to say I thank you for my days

Come around and see the other side

Stepping stones, away from the limelight

world - العالمية
where - أين
though - اعتقد
think - يفكر
truth - حقيقة
feeling - شعور
dreams - أحلام
might - ربما
breathe - نفس
paved - مرصوف
yourself - نفسك
crazed - مخبول
chance - فرصة
broken - مكسور
before - قبل
piece - قطعة
seems - يبدو
thank - شكر
stepping - يخطو
around - حول
found - وجدت
other - آخر
hands - أيادي
reached - وصل
right - حق
limelight - الأضواء
should - ينبغي
stones - الحجارة

اضغط فوق أي كلمة لمشاهدة ترجمتها

اضغط فوق هذه الأيقونة لترجمة الجملة بأكملها