Before you started tokin'

You used to have a brain

Nut now you don't get even the simplest of things

I can draw a little picture

Or even use my hands

I try to explain but you just don't understand

Man you're really losing it

And you've really done a lot of junk now

But you keep on abusin' it

What in the world happened to you

yourself - نفسك
tomorrow - غدا
thought - فكر
started - بدأت
spent - أنفق
think - يفكر
things - أشياء
something - شيئا ما
killing - قتل
happened - حدث
facing - مواجهة
coffin - نعش
taking - مع الأخذ
sympathetic - ودي
really - هل حقا
hands - أيادي
times - مرات
enough - كافية
before - قبل
little - قليل
explain - شرح
world - العالمية
losing - فقدان
again - مرة أخرى
slack - تثاقل
might - ربما
person - شخص
morning - صباح
tried - حاول
night - ليل
picture - صورة
understand - تفهم
simplest - أبسط
brain - دماغ
refrain - امتنع
someone - شخصا ما

اضغط فوق أي كلمة لمشاهدة ترجمتها

اضغط فوق هذه الأيقونة لترجمة الجملة بأكملها