Talking about life, what it has 'n' what it's gonna be.

Get ready for the best time.

He's a friend of mine born in the '79.

'n' there will be a day when he hears me when I say:

Hey, you better be thinking about your future.

There will be a day when he hears me when I say:

You're spoiling your life, you won't have another.

You ain't thinking about your friends, do you hear me brother?

I have just one thing to say to you:


thinking - تفكير
think - يفكر
thing - شيء
sucks - تمتص
spoiling - تلف
spoil - يفسد
shame - عار
drugs - المخدرات
talking - الحديث
before - قبل
chances - فرص
carry - يحمل
winner - الفائز
attitude - اسلوب
about - حول
whole - كامل
first - الأول
another - آخر
saying - قول
better - أفضل
ready - جاهز
being - يجرى
friend - صديق
brother - شقيق
gonna - سوف
listen - استمع
friends - اصحاب
loser - الخاسر
future - مستقبل
there - هناك
generation - توليد
hears - يسمع
living - المعيشة
number - رقم
positive - إيجابي

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