I think you better run, 'cos they're coming at ya.

n' what the fuck you're gonna do when they get ya?

You can choose life in the bodybag, I think you better hide.

Few little words, wrong cap in your head.

Can make you dead, if you're dealing with the real thing.

Few little words, wrong cap in your head, in your head, in your head.

wrong - خطأ
world - العالمية
where - أين
gonna - سوف
words - كلمات
faces - وجوه
dealing - تعامل
street - شارع
coming - آت
choose - أختر
little - قليل
about - حول
place - مكان
again - مرة أخرى
anger - غضب
force - فرض
better - أفضل
striking - مدهش
money - مال
number - رقم
peace - سلام
places - أماكن
pocket - جيب
knock - طرق
thing - شيء
think - يفكر

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اضغط فوق هذه الأيقونة لترجمة الجملة بأكملها