Train whistle blowing makes a sleepy noise

Underneath their blankets go all the girls and boys

Rocking rolling riding out along the bay

All bound for Morningtown many miles away

Driver at the engine fireman rings the bell

Sand man swings the lantern to show that all is well

whistle - صفارة
where - أين
underneath - تحته
train - قطار
there - هناك
lantern - فانوس
little - قليل
engine - محرك
girls - الفتيات
sleepy - نعسان
travellers - مسافرين
inside - في داخل
fireman - رجل الاطفاء
makes - يصنع
sunshine - إشراق
bound - مقيد
blowing - نفخ
their - هم
maybe - يمكن
raining - تمطر
miles - اميال
driver - سائق
noise - الضوضاء
riding - يركب
swings - أرجوحة
along - على طول
blankets - بطانيات
rocking - تأرجح
somewhere - مكان ما
rings - خواتم
rolling - لف

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