One, two, three, four!

Well every highway that I go down

Seems to be longer than the last one that I knew about

Oh well

And every girl that I walk around

Seems to be more of an illusion than

the last one I found

Oh well

And this old man in front of me wearing canes

and ruby rings

And it's like a dang explosion when he sings

And with every chance to set himself on fire,

He just ends up doin' the same thing

wooden - خشبي
which - التي
where - أين
wearing - يلبس
tires - الإطارات
three - ثلاثة
there - هناك
tells - يروي
situations - مواقف
sings - يغني
seems - يبدو
whether - سواء
rubber - مطاط
rings - خواتم
rocks - الصخور
riddle - لغز
cream - كريم
thing - شيء
shake - هزة
chance - فرصة
explosion - انفجار
every - individle
colder - برودة
across - عبر
canes - قصب
forest - غابة
screams - صرخات
alley - زقاق
other - آخر
found - وجدت
around - حول
front - أمامي
filled - معبأ
fires - حرائق
wanted - مطلوب
nothing - لا شيئ
highway - الطريق السريع
himself - نفسه
illusion - وهم
little - قليل
longer - طويل
beautiful - جميلة
about - حول
moving - متحرك

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