I am a man who looks after the pigs

Usually I get along OK.

I am man who reveals all he digs,

Should be more careful what I say.

I'm getting put down,

I'm getting pushed round,

I'm being beaten every day.

My life's fading,

But things are changing,

I'm not gonna sit and weep again.

I am man who drives a local bus

I take miners to work, but the pits all closed today.

It's easy to see that you are one of us.

Ain't it funny how we all seem to look the same?

young - شاب
tells - يروي
seeing - رؤية
today - اليوم
reveals - يكشف
remember - تذكر
pushed - دفع
changing - متغير
child - طفل
again - مرة أخرى
blame - لوم
being - يجرى
fight - يقاتل
beaten - ضرب
miners - عمال المناجم
careful - حذر
after - بعد
fading - بهوت
ashamed - خجلان
gonna - سوف
looks - تبدو
along - على طول
usually - عادة
things - أشياء
closed - مغلق
dreams - أحلام
yourself - نفسك
drives - محركات
should - ينبغي
every - individle
local - محلي
feels - يشعر
right - حق
mixed - مختلط
funny - مضحك
screwed - ثمل
getting - الحصول على
round - مستدير - كروي
karma - الكرمة

اضغط فوق أي كلمة لمشاهدة ترجمتها

اضغط فوق هذه الأيقونة لترجمة الجملة بأكملها