Justin Timberlake:
Ohh I've been travelin on this road too long (too long)
Just trying to find my way back home (back home)
The old me is dead and gone, dead and gone
Ohh I've been travelin on this road too long (too long)
Just trying to find my way back home (back home)
The old me is dead and gone, dead and gone
Ever had one of dem days you wish woulda stayed home
Run into a group of niggas who getting they hate on
You walk by they get wrong you reply then shit get blown
Way outta proportion way past discussion
Just you against them, pick one then rush em
Figure you get jumped here thats next
They don't wanna stop there now they bustin
Now you gushin, ambulance rushin you to the hospital
with a bad concussion
Plus ya hit 4 times bullet hit ya spine paralyzed waist down
now ya wheel chair bound
Never mind that now you lucky to be alive,
Just think it all started you fussin with 3 guys
Nigga ya pride in the way but ya pride is the way
wrong - خطأ
yesterday - في الامس
wheel - عجلة
wanna - اريد
times - مرات
trying - محاولة
timberlake - تيمبرليك
their - هم
thats - ل thats
stress - ضغط عصبى
still - ما يزال
started - بدأت
start - بداية
stayed - بقي
hospital - مستشفى
niggas - كويتيات النسائية
woulda - woulda
straight - مباشرة
group - مجموعة
today - اليوم
getting - الحصول على
figure - الشكل
before - قبل
there - هناك
swallow - السنونو
ambulance - سياره اسعاف
every - individle
alright - حسنا
chair - كرسي
alive - على قيد الحياة
lucky - سعيد الحظ
waist - وسط
concussion - ارتجاج في المخ
justin - جوستين
think - يفكر
against - ضد
usually - عادة
pride - فخر
bound - مقيد
strong - قوي
sight - مشهد
guess - خمن
heart - قلب
bullet - رصاصة
blown - منفوخ
money - مال
could - استطاع
jumped - قفز
bustin - bustin
mistakes - الأخطاء
paralyzed - مشلول
music - موسيقى
never - أبدا
proportion - نسبة
rushin - التسرع في
discussion - نقاش
spine - العمود الفقري
nigga - نيغا
ordinary - عادي
around - حول
shootin - shootin
sense - إحساس
north - شمال
outta - وتا
projects - مشاريع
nobody - لا أحد
regrets - ندم
blessed - مبارك
reply - الرد
اضغط فوق أي كلمة لمشاهدة ترجمتها
اضغط فوق هذه الأيقونة لترجمة الجملة بأكملها