I like being alone

I'm out here, spend plenty of time on your own

Cause the city ain't kind, other people who sign

I for you can't take no


This ain't a place to be making friends they all got agendas

These eyes on your back, and on your neck

Making up in, looking for your tits, did you see?

Seem so thirsty, smell fresh meat in the air

So the real test, after breakfast

We'll see who's to be here

This pressure ain't for everybody

Why you ain't so heavy on my body, body

Spine, shivers

Eyes, met

Head, in it

Heart, set

Cold, on my mind, yeah

Ice dripping, cold sweat

Ice, Ice dripping, cold sweat

Ice dripping, cold sweat

Ice, Ice dripping, cold sweat

Ice dripping, cold sweat

Can't choose to sit, you wish, with a friend

Always got to co-sign, everything's a ten

while - في حين
where - أين
thirsty - متعطش
spine - العمود الفقري
spend - أنفق
shivers - تقشعر
touch - لمس. اتصال. صلة
scummy - حقير
ringing - رنين
pressure - الضغط
power - قوة
poppin - بوبين
money - مال
extra - إضافي
comes - يأتي
always - دائما
night - ليل
explanations - تفسيرات
complacent - الرضا
stars - النجوم
breakfast - وجبة افطار
claiming - ادعاء
choose - أختر
cause - سبب
agendas - برامج
after - بعد
alone - وحده
accept - قبول
friend - صديق
doubt - شك
everybody - الجميع
summers - الصيف
option - اختيار
buzzing - الأز
everything - كل شىء
coming - آت
ceilings - السقوف
forgotten - نسي
sweat - عرق
fresh - طازج
smell - رائحة
friends - اصحاب
plenty - وفرة
finally - أخيرا
funny - مضحك
goodbye - وداعا
these - هؤلاء
realise - تدرك
gotta - فلدي
other - آخر
handle - مقبض
heart - قلب
deserve - استحق
heavy - ثقيل
worth - يستحق
hella - 海拉
looking - يبحث
feeling - شعور
lights - أضواء
lovers - عشاق
making - صناعة
thing - شيء
dripping - تقطر
being - يجرى
nothing - لا شيئ
people - اشخاص
place - مكان

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