I really can't stay

But baby, it's cold outside

I've got to go away

Ah, baby, it's cold outside

This evening has been

Been hoping that you'd drop in

So very nice

I'll hold your hands, they're just like ice

My mother will start to worry

Beautiful, what's your hurry

My father will be pacing the floor

Listen to that fireplace roar

So really I'd better scurry

Oh beautiful, please don't hurry

Maybe just a half a drink more

Why don't you put some records on while I pour

The neighbours might think

Oh baby, it's bad out there

Say, what's in this drink

There's no cabs to be had out there

I wish I knew how

Your eyes are like starlight now

To break this spell

I'll take your hat, your hair looks swell

worry - قلق
while - في حين
waves - أمواج
vicious - وحشي
tropical - استوائي
thrill - التشويق
think - يفكر
thing - شيء
there - هناك
swell - تضخم
sister - أخت
sorrow - حزن
simply - ببساطة
shore - دعم
really - هل حقا
hands - أيادي
welcome - أهلا بك
grand - كبير
please - رجاء
fireplace - المدفأة
floor - أرضية
maiden - عذراء
delicious - لذيذ
gonna - سوف
blizzard - عاصفة ثلجية
listen - استمع
father - الآب
before - قبل
dropped - إسقاط
beautiful - جميلة
start - بداية
pneumonia - الالتهاب الرئوي
freeze - تجمد
window - نافذة او شباك
hurting - مؤلم
break - استراحة
starlight - مضاء بالنجوم
hurry - عجل
bound - مقيد
spell - تهجئه
caught - القبض
evening - مساء
cigarette - سيجارة
sense - إحساس
drink - يشرب
outside - في الخارج
hoping - يأمل
implied - ضمني
plenty - وفرة
knees - الركبتين
would - سيكون
least - الأقل
looks - تبدو
suspicious - مشبوه
records - تسجيل
answer - إجابة
closer - أقرب
lucky - سعيد الحظ
tomorrow - غدا
better - أفضل
making - صناعة
storm - عاصفة
brother - شقيق
might - ربما
tried - حاول
neighbours - الجيران
never - أبدا
maybe - يمكن
ought - يجب
touch - لمس. اتصال. صلة
scurry - هرول
mother - أم
pacing - سرعة
little - قليل
pride - فخر

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