
At the end of the first world war weary men returned from the battle field in Europe to a land fit for Heroes

Some how things don't turn out that way. You see the Mine Lords in the country told the Miners that they have to work for longer hours for less wages. On the street through out the Rhonda valley in South Wales the battle cries rose. Not a minute of the day not a penny off the pay the Miners went on strike. It was a long and bitter fight. Times were hard children went hungry. Many people left the valley of Wales to try and make better life for themselves in Cities all over the World. This song is dedicated to them and their descendants.

So you went and left your the valley

All those years ago and many were the young men at the time

And as you left the station you saw that you were leaving the rivers, the mountains and the mines

You came into the city left your friends at home

To make yourself a better life was your aim

young - شاب
years - سنوات
world - العالمية
weary - المرهق
wales - ويلز
voice - صوت
valley - الوادي
times - مرات
thousand - ألف
themselves - أنفسهم
those - أولئك
their - هم
strike - إضراب
green - أخضر
bright - مشرق
thing - شيء
nothing - لا شيئ
first - الأول
hours - ساعات
field - حقل
europe - أوروبا
leaving - مغادرة
mountain - جبل
where - أين
country - بلد
lights - أضواء
friends - اصحاب
cries - صرخات
rivers - الأنهار
yourself - نفسك
wages - أجور
battle - معركة
always - دائما
longer - طويل
heartbeat - نبض القلب
better - أفضل
calling - دعوة
bitter - مرارة
dedicated - مخصصة
street - شارع
cities - مدن
children - الأطفال
belong - تنتمي
seems - يبدو
compare - قارن
heroes - الأبطال
spoken - منطوق
mountains - الجبال
hungry - جوعان
lords - مجلس اللوردات
things - أشياء
people - اشخاص
mines - الألغام
through - عبر
minute - اللحظة
returned - عاد
penny - قرش
rhonda - روندا
could - استطاع
since - منذ
descendants - أحفاد
south - جنوب
fight - يقاتل
stand - يفهم
miners - عمال المناجم
station - محطة

اضغط فوق أي كلمة لمشاهدة ترجمتها

اضغط فوق هذه الأيقونة لترجمة الجملة بأكملها