Well, you make your way downstairs in the early evening

In the hopes that this will be your lucky night

And the bars come up in two's and three's, but never all at once

And the fruit machines are winning left and right

And you wipe your rhinestone glasses when they're misty

Hoping that this bummer's gonna end

And you're losing pretty heavy, but, ma, no need to worry

'cause the payoff has to be around the bend

And it's a nickle here and a nickle there

And no one gambles harder

Than the Dime Queen of Nevada

And Jean Louis of Paris set her hair

words - كلمات
winning - فوز
twenty - عشرون
queen - ملكة
pretty - جميلة
never - أبدا
worry - قلق
magic - سحر
machines - آلات
lucky - سعيد الحظ
every - individle
glasses - نظارات
everywhere - في كل مكان
early - مبكرا
night - ليل
comes - يأتي
downstairs - الطابق الأسفل
payoff - سدد دينك
paris - باريس
bucks - الدولارات
hopes - آمال
louis - لويس
around - حول
harder - أصعب
floor - أرضية
again - مرة أخرى
fruit - فاكهة
rhinestone - حجر الراين
gambles - المراهنات
misty - ضبابي
gonna - سوف
roles - الأدوار
evening - مساء
losing - فقدان
handle - مقبض
there - هناك
nevada - نيفادا
heavy - ثقيل
hoping - يأمل
right - حق
jackpot - الفوز بالجائزة الكبرى

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