The life I've always wanted

I guess I'll never have

I'll be working for somebody else

Until I'm in my grave

I'll be dreaming of life of ease

And mountains o' things

To have a big expensive car

Drag my furs on the ground

And have a maid that I can tell

To bring me anything

Everyone will look at me with envy and with greed

I'll revel in their attention

And mountains

Oh mountains o' things

Sweet lazy life

Champagne and caviar

I hope you'll come and find me

Cause you know who we are

worth - يستحق
working - عامل
whose - ملك من
wanted - مطلوب
until - حتى
greed - جشع
surround - طوق
expensive - مكلفة
nothing - لا شيئ
everyone - كل واحد
bring - احضر
other - آخر
enough - كافية
exploiting - استغلال
lonely - وحيد
loneliness - الشعور بالوحدة
dream - حلم
deserve - استحق
still - ما يزال
attention - انتباه
grave - قبر
having - وجود
beings - الكائنات
always - دائما
caviar - كافيار
prearranged - تقتاد
birth - ولادة
gained - اكتسبت
cause - سبب
gonna - سوف
mostly - خاصة
stones - الحجارة
consume - تستهلك
champagne - شامبانيا
pauper - فقير
ground - أرض
sadness - حزن
human - بشري
guess - خمن
material - مواد
those - أولئك
their - هم
dreaming - الحلم
misfortune - مصيبة
mountains - الجبال
never - أبدا
things - أشياء
sweet - حلو
people - اشخاص
queen - ملكة
anything - اى شى
renounce - تنازل
revel - عربد
enemies - أعداء
somebody - شخص ما
stepping - يخطو

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