Now that she's back in the atmosphere

With drops of Jupiter in her hair, hey

She acts like summer and walks like rain

Reminds me that there's a time to change, hey

Since the return from her stay on the moon

She listens like spring and she talks like June, hey, hey

But tell me, did you sail across the sun?

Did you make it to the Milky Way

To see the lights all faded

And that heaven is overrated?

Tell me, did you fall for a shooting star?

One without a permanent scar

And then you missed me

yourself - نفسك
wrong - خطأ
while - في حين
vacation - عطلة
tracing - اقتفاء أثر
wanted - مطلوب
faded - تلاشى
everything - كل شىء
drops - قطرات
light - ضوء
finally - أخيرا
walks - يمشي
along - على طول
across - عبر
permanent - دائم
about - حول
since - منذ
dance - رقص
listens - يستمع
summer - الصيف
shooting - اطلاق الرصاص
without - بدون
imagine - تخيل
think - يفكر
sticking - الالتصاق
friend - صديق
atmosphere - الغلاف الجوي
fried - المقلية
chance - فرصة
checks - الشيكات
might - ربما
always - دائما
chicken - دجاج
jupiter - كوكب المشتري
lights - أضواء
overrated - فوق المعدل
constellation - كوكبة
looking - يبحث
milky - حليبي
missed - افتقد
mozart - موزارت
afraid - خائف
never - أبدا
venus - كوكب الزهرة
plain - عادي
through - عبر
heaven - الجنة
pride - فخر
reminds - تذكر
change - يتغيرون
spring - ربيع
return - إرجاع
story - قصة
sweep - مسح
talks - محادثات
there - هناك

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