Teach me to fall

And I'll teach you to sing

When life keeps stealing your melody

Around your finger I'll be a string

I will forget everything I know

About love, I don't know, about love

Sure feels good at first

I'll learn to dance if you promise not to laugh

And I'll end up in a cast

From falling over

And you can't get mad when some girl you think I have

Puts a story in your head

When I hardly know her so

teach - علم
sermon - خطبة
promise - وعد
preaching - وعظ
melody - لحن
laugh - يضحك
dance - رقص
falling - هبوط
change - يتغيرون
spring - ربيع
reminds - تذكر
finger - اصبع اليد
choir - الكورال
about - حول
around - حول
stings - لسعات
first - الأول
story - قصة
pastor - القس
heartbreak - حسرة
autumn - الخريف
think - يفكر
things - أشياء
mmmmmm - ممممم
colors - الألوان
honey - عسل
every - individle
decide - قرر
close - أغلق
forgotten - نسي
stealing - سرقة
rodeo - مسابقات رعاة البقر
cause - سبب
hardly - بالكاد
wrong - خطأ
learn - تعلم
everything - كل شىء
feels - يشعر
keeps - تحافظ
forget - ننسى
string - خيط
roped - مشدود
frost - صقيع

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