Whoa, whoa

Can’t swim so I took a boat

To an island so remote

Only Johnny Depp has ever been to it before

Stayed there till the air was clear

I was bored and out of tears

Then I saw you washed up on the shore

I offered you my coat, thank goddess love can float

Crazy how that shipwreck met my ship was comin’ in

We talked till the sun went down

Love on the Pugit Sound

My treasure map was on your skin

Beauty in the water, angel on the beach

Ocean’s daughter, I thought love was out of reach

'til I got her, had I known it could come true

I would have wished in ’92, for a mermaid just like you

Whoa, just like you, whoa

Sharks green with envy they wonder what you see in me

would - سيكون
wished - تمنى
water - ماء
johnny - جوني
before - قبل
known - معروف
goddess - إلاهة
crazy - مجنون
green - أخضر
comin - كومين
wonder - يتساءل
making - صناعة
float - تطفو
shipwreck - حطام سفينة
candle - شمعة
beauty - جمال
bored - ضجر
sharks - أسماك القرش
beach - شاطئ بحر
sound - صوت
clear - واضح
island - جزيرة
could - استطاع
funny - مضحك
angel - ملاك
scandal - فضيحة
banyan - banyán
years - سنوات
remote - التحكم عن بعد
heavenly - سماوي
thank - شكر
handle - مقبض
mermaid - حورية البحر
saving - إنقاذ
ocean - محيط
daughter - ابنة
reach - تصل
offered - تقدم
there - هناك
rescued - انقاذ
tears - دموع
sandals - صنادل
sometimes - بعض الأحيان
shore - دعم
talked - تحدث
holiday - يوم الاجازة
stayed - بقي
through - عبر
washed - مغسول
thought - فكر
treasure - كنز

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