Nobody else here baby

No one here to blame

No one to point the finger

It’s just you and me and the rain

Nobody made you do it

No one put words in your mouth

Nobody here taking orders

When love took a train heading south

It’s the blind leading the blond

It’s the stuff, it’s the stuff of country songs

If God will send his angels

And if God will send a sign

And if God will send his angels

Would everything be alright?

God’s got his phone off the hook, babe

Would he even pick up if he could?

It’s been a while since we saw that child

Hanging ‘round this neighborhood

See his mother dealing in a doorway

See Father Christmas with a begging bowl

words - كلمات
while - في حين
turns - يتحول
taking - مع الأخذ
stuff - أمور
guess - خمن
train - قطار
blame - لوم
blind - بليند
where - أين
country - بلد
mother - أم
dealing - تعامل
point - نقطة
everything - كل شىء
finger - اصبع اليد
sister - أخت
faith - إيمان
street - شارع
begging - تسول
christmas - عيد الميلاد
phone - هاتف
child - طفل
never - أبدا
songs - الأغاني
collecting - جمع
would - سيكون
nobody - لا أحد
angels - الملائكة
doorway - مدخل
alright - حسنا
blond - أشقر
blister - cloque
round - مستدير - كروي
business - اعمال
neighborhood - حي
light - ضوء
something - شيئا ما
blowing - نفخ
hanging - معلق
heading - عنوان
could - استطاع
since - منذ
leading - قيادة
looked - بدا
jesus - يسوع
orders - أوامر
minute - اللحظة
mouth - فم
cartoon - رسوم متحركة
network - شبكة الاتصال
father - الآب
score - أحرز هدفاً
right - حق
south - جنوب

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اضغط فوق هذه الأيقونة لترجمة الجملة بأكملها