Once there was a man of power

Had no care for human life

Then one day he saw his living lie

Growing all around him

The wheel of change had taken over

Found a love he never knew

Now he teaches children what is true

Gather all around him

What made him choose to turn away

What makes us change our mind

The will to see turns you around

There is no explanation why

There is no rhyme or reason

Just feel the love and you're alive

Running around in your confusion

From the cradle to the grave

Ain't got time to see the world go by

Where are you going

Always moving round in circles

world - العالمية
words - كلمات
within - في غضون
where - أين
wheel - عجلة
together - سويا
turns - يتحول
burns - الحروق
explanation - تفسير
going - ذاهب
confusion - ارتباك
human - بشري
running - جري
explain - شرح
bright - مشرق
every - individle
understanding - فهم
ourselves - أنفسنا
around - حول
always - دائما
change - يتغيرون
circles - الدوائر
makes - يصنع
cradle - مهد الحضارة
madness - جنون
children - الأطفال
before - قبل
other - آخر
talking - الحديث
chance - فرصة
choose - أختر
incredible - لا يصدق
grave - قبر
realise - تدرك
rhyme - قافية
living - المعيشة
moment - لحظة
moving - متحرك
perception - المعرفة
never - أبدا
gather - جمع
power - قوة
alive - على قيد الحياة
reason - السبب
round - مستدير - كروي
found - وجدت
taken - تؤخذ
saying - قول
spirit - روح
growing - متزايد
standing - مكانة
teach - علم
teaches - يعلم
there - هناك

اضغط فوق أي كلمة لمشاهدة ترجمتها

اضغط فوق هذه الأيقونة لترجمة الجملة بأكملها