Aie, aie, aie, aie, aie, aie, Puerto Rico

Aie, aie, aie, aie, aie, aie, Puerto Rico

Wake up Angelita, your mama just turned off the light

Manolo is already waiting by the old water-pipe

Her shoes in one hand, she carefully walks down the stairs

Holding her breath 'cause there's danger and love in the air

Aie, aie, aie, aie, aie, aie, Puerto Rico

Aie, aie, aie, aie, aie, aie, Puerto Rico

Your papa will beat him if he ever finds out

Begging the Virgin won't help when you hear Manolito shout

(Manolito shout)

He's already standing under the starlit sky

write - اكتب
wears - يلبس
water - ماء
walks - يمشي
under - تحت
tight - ضيق
young - شاب
though - اعتقد
virgin - عذراء
takes - يأخذ
steals - يسرق
stairs - درج
somewhere - مكان ما
shout - يصيح، يصرخ، صيحة
danger - خطر
chain - سلسلة
right - حق
knows - يعرف
finds - يجد
turned - تحول
should - ينبغي
presses - المطابع
every - individle
carefully - بحرص
waiting - انتظار
already - سابقا
fights - معارك
begging - تسول
behaves - يسلك
shoes - أحذية
light - ضوء
standing - مكانة
breath - نفس
promises - وعود
holding - تحتجز
laugh - يضحك
leaving - مغادرة
inside - في داخل
manolo - مانولو
medal - ميدالية
never - أبدا
wants - يريد
puerto - بويرتو

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