well, hello there little boy. don't be shy.

step right up, i'm a reasonable guy.

don't be frightened by the look in my eye.

i'm just your average, evil meteor from outta the sky

well, i'm just shy and scared in this place.

i'm just a fish outta water from outer space.

you can see that the trip has left me tired and drained

so why don't you be a pal... and bring me some BRAINS!

go down to your neighbor's place, see the dull expression on his face.

you'd be doing him a favor if you brought him to me

he ain't using his brain, he's just watching TV!

go down to mr. mcgee's.

he hasn't had a thought since '43.

his brain is the portrait of atrophy.

he ain't using it, why not give it to me?

BRAINS, BRAINS, i won't lie,

i'll eat their brains 'til their zombified.

sure they might think it's deranged

well they won't give it thought after i've eaten their brain.

BRAINS, BRAINS, it's okay.

it's not a matter if it isn't gray,

and if at first they think it's strange,

they won't think twice if they don't have a brain!

go down to the wonton shop,

my fortune cookie says that i just can't stop.

water - ماء
watching - مشاهدة
twice - مرتين
tummy - البطن
trying - محاولة
thinks - يعتقد
think - يفكر
theses - أطروحات
tired - متعبه
small - صغير
space - الفراغ
skillet - مقلاة
their - هم
single - غير مرتبطة
since - منذ
there - هناك
short - قصيرة
right - حق
shrink - وإنكمش
protect - يحمي
promise - وعد
brain - دماغ
delectable - لذيذ
happen - يحدث
doing - فعل
reasonable - معقول
around - حول
scared - خائف، خواف، مذعور
creep - زحف
drink - يشرب
hours - ساعات
after - بعد
eaten - تؤكل
donut - تبرع
cookie - بسكويت
every - individle
expression - التعبير
myself - نفسي
sneak - تسلل
other - آخر
average - معدل
deranged - مختل
heads - رؤساء
matter - شيء
wonton - فطيرة باللحم
swell - تضخم
cruller - cruller
first - الأول
bestest - bestest
drained - استنزفت
again - مرة أخرى
might - ربما
brains - عقل
atrophy - ضمور
favor - خدمة
sweetbreads - سويتبريدس
especially - خصوصا
friend - صديق
frightened - خائف
hello - مرحبا
straw - قش
strange - غريب
hungry - جوعان
jumps - يقفز
noodle - المعكرونة
later - في وقت لاحق
bring - احضر
meteor - نيزك
fortune - ثروة
little - قليل
thought - فكر
brought - جلبت
outer - خارجي
using - استخدام
place - مكان
outta - وتا
portrait - صورة

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