The man who sailed around his soul

From East to West, from pole to pole

With ego as his drunken captain

Greed, the mutineer, had trapped all reason in the hold

The man who walked across his heart

Who took no compass, guide or chart

To rope and tar his blood congealed

When he found his self revealed ugly and cold

And the sirens that sing

By your nose with its ring

They'll drag you in

For your sins

Now he sits all alone

And it's no place like home

found - وجدت
flesh - لحم
reason - السبب
walked - مشى
doomed - محكوم
where - أين
carcass - جثة
truth - حقيقة
congealed - مجمد
freezing - تجمد
compassion - تعاطف
affair - قضية
again - مرة أخرى
empty - فارغة
alone - وحده
sirens - صفارات الإنذار
across - عبر
drunken - سكران
souvenirs - هدايا تذكارية
around - حول
broken - مكسور
everything - كل شىء
every - individle
angels - الملائكة
guide - يرشد
heart - قلب
jellyfish - قناديل البحر
start - بداية
knowing - معرفة
wings - أجنحة
captain - قائد المنتخب
mutineer - المتمرد
compass - بوصلة
blood - دم
place - مكان
chart - خريطة
return - إرجاع
journey - رحلة
revealed - أظهرت
sailed - أبحر
seeking - بحث
stings - لسعات
spoken - منطوق
tattooed - وشم
trapped - المحاصرين
thought - فكر
greed - جشع
treasure - كنز

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