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كلمات اغنية Blender - Yello

Blender - Yello

كلمات للدراسة

My ladies, please come closer, my name is Random Tox.

I have the great honor and pleasure to present to you Turnex

The son of Durex, the blender for the next milennium.

This is a revolution for your kitchen.

Smashed potatos, sliced tomatos, apple juice, blueberry, raspberry, cherries and peaches in a fraction of a second!

Turnex, the son of Durex

The only blender which can be turned into the most powerful vacuum cleaner!

Blenders for sale

And I am selling to girls

They always know who I am, what I do

She gave me no wink

Just a smile of her hips

And a sip of my glass