What is this I feel about you?

Hoping not to make it an issue

I don't wanna be nice at all

You're only causing trouble,

Are you can stay if you want to

And being in love with you seems like a really bad idea

But when I'm not with you I'm wishin I could have you nearer

Please do not allow me to miss you

I'm tryin my best to keep my distance

I don't wanna give you my heart

But it seems to like you a lot

wrong - خطأ
trying - محاولة
trust - ثقة
through - عبر
think - يفكر
seems - يبدو
trouble - مشكلة
really - هل حقا
crash - يصطدم _ تصادم
wishin - wishin
never - أبدا
could - استطاع
distance - مسافه: بعد
causing - مما تسبب في
break - استراحة
again - مرة أخرى
being - يجرى
issue - القضية
allow - السماح
pieces - قطع
wanna - اريد
before - قبل
about - حول
nearer - أقرب
smart - ذكي
enough - كافية
falling - هبوط
waves - أمواج
gonna - سوف
tryin - حاولت
heart - قلب
hoping - يأمل
laughs - يضحك
million - مليون
please - رجاء

اضغط فوق أي كلمة لمشاهدة ترجمتها

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