When you're driving down the highway at night

And you're feelin' that wild turkey's bite

Don't give Johnny Walker a ride

Cause Jack Black is right by your side

You might get taken to the jailhouse and find

You've been arrested for driving while blind

Now just the other night with nothin' to do

while - في حين
walker - مشاية
there - هناك
started - بدأت
blind - بليند
black - أسود
alarm - إنذار
highway - الطريق السريع
blood - دم
anyone - أي واحد
taken - تؤخذ
cause - سبب
right - حق
broke - حطم
automobile - سيارة
nobody - لا أحد
arrest - يقبض على
against - ضد
proof - دليل
alcohol - كحول
could - استطاع
arrested - القى القبض
driving - القيادة
night - ليل
grain - حبوب
wonderful - رائع
jailhouse - بتلبية طلبه بضرورة
unkind - غير لطيف
johnny - جوني
might - ربما
other - آخر

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